Answer: warning you must slow to 30 mph
Good luck !
1. What are some of the things the team at the Forensic Anthropology Lab is able to determine by studying bones?
Some of the things they are able to determine are what kind of prenatal environment they may have had, what kind of childhood they may have had, if it affected their stature, if it affected their dentition, their diet, and even their climate sometimes
2. Based on the individual’s remains discussed in the video, explain how Dr. Ann Ross and her team were able to determine the person died violently?
Due to the damage done to the skull—they found bullet holes. They then passed this information on to the authorities
3. Explain how researchers obtained information about the individual’s race, sex, height and connection with the local area?
They analyzed what they found. They measured, and compared the bones to find the individual’s race, sex, height, and location
not required to hear the case.
The United States Court of Appeals is also known as the circuit courts that are the intermediate appellate courts. The US courts of appeals are one of the most powerful as well influential courts in America.
In the context, Boyd flies a case against Cathy in the federal district court where Cathy loses the case. She then makes an appeal to the circuit courts or the United States Court of Appeals for a second circuit but she loses again. Now if Cathy moves to the Supreme Court of the U.S. and makes an appeal, the Supreme Court is not required to hear Cathy's case as she already made an appeal in the Court of Appeals of U.S. and The court has made his judgement.