transfer RNA (ribonucleic acid)
I think you are talking about the 2 types of virus cycles
the lytic cycle is where a virus invades a bacteria host and quickly inserts its own dna proteins into the bacteria's. the bacteria is then forced to copy the virus dna and reproduce the virus. once all the coppies are made the virus triggers the bacteria to self destruct from the inside, causing the bacteria toburst and releases hundreds of the tiny viruses into the host.
(think of when you get a cold)
the other cycle is the lysogenic cycle these are viruses that enter a host and lay quietly dormant while inserting their own proteins into the dna sequence of the bacteria host. the bacteria unknowingly copies the virus dna along with its own. the host doesn't know the virus has been in them until a stressor such as getting a high temperature of an infection causes the viruses to activate and stop being dormant (like with HIV)<span />
Identifying your limitations because you’re taking risks to KNOW the limits of yourself.
Parrallegram or just the last one think I spelled it wrong
Answer: yes and no
since can affect 0.8 of the population which could kill them and this is chance killing you loved ones BUT you only have a %60 of it being positive so you should not really worry worry
if you do have it be careful