Name = "Bob"
# or you can prompt the user to enter their name:
# name = input("What's your name? ")
print("greetings," , name)
GLOVER v. JOHNSON December 14th 1999 at Michigan
The court case mentioned above is exactly the court case that has ended with a decree being issued through the Michigan Department of Corrections for providing female inmates the access to the programming which has previously been allowed only to the male inmates. And this happened in 1999, and some big names were part of the jurisdiction. Its a very popular case definitely.
Option(d) is the correct answer to the given question.
A hot site is a place off site in which the task of a corporation could restart during a massive failure.The hot site seems to have all the needed equipment for such the corporation to schedule the normal activities, such as phone jacks, replacement data, laptops, and linked devices.
- The main objective of hot sites provide an useful backup mechanism for any corporation that wishes to pursue its business in the presence of exceptional circumstances or events.
- All the others options are not related to hot site that's why they are incorrect option.
UPDATE acctmanager WHERE amid = 'J500';
The statement written above is not valid SQL statement because there is no SET after UPDATE. Update is always used with SET.If you are updating something then you need to specify the value with which that value should be replaced.
UPDATE acctmanager SET amname = UPPER(amname);
This statement does not contains WHERE clause but it will run all the values of amname column will get updated in the table acctmanager.