So that they know what the world is about and that they become aware of what is happening out or what will happen if they do certain things.
Harry Bahrick studied the long-term retention of a foreign language. He investigated the retention of memory by examining 392 graduates from American University. The graduates were shown the photographs which were shown to them. Those photographs were from their high-schools yearbook. They were asked to name the participants of the photographs from the certain names provided to them. The result was found that even after fourteen years 90% of the participants named the photographs correctly. After 47 years, 60% of the participants still remembered and could match the names correctly. In conclusion, it was found that there is certain information that can be remembered by the people for a lifetime.
Coordinating the development, implementation and monitoring of a web-based system to register all learning programmes within the post-school system that require Work Integrated Learning. Ensuring that the Work Integrated Learning (WIL) system is integrated and linked with other systems within the post-school education
C. If the employer doesn't know much about your personality, they won't know if your a good match, so that's what an interview does.