Answer: (C) A child’s tongue is proportionally larger, increasing the chances of airway occlusion from even minor swelling.
Children have smaller mouths, yet their tongues are proportionately large in their mouths compared to those of adults in their mouths. If it were to swell larger from a sting, it could obstruct the airway.
One solution could be to build walls. Another solution could be to conscript some troops to protect your village.
Most of the greatest literary works to come out of India were written in Sanskrit, as well as many religious texts. One of the first written records was in Sanskrit
Answer:I would research the dress code and the worship of Muslims in Pakistan.
For instance to find out all the truth about how they dress up and why they worship the way that they do .
Challenging factors
There is a very high chance that I may not even be allowed to have access to their worship mosque and they may not even want to talk to me thinking I'm coming as a person who wants to judge their religion or maybe there may be issues that they consider to private to share with an outsider .
My two strength are patience and persistence hence I know I will not be discouraged by the negative response that I may receive cause at some point I know there will be that one person who will kindly open up and share .