Approximately 13% of adult women report binge drinking and on average do so 4 times a month, consuming 5 drinks per binge. 4. About 18% of women of child-bearing age (i.e., ages 18–44 years) binge drink.Women drink for many of the same reasons that men drink: to relax, to gain confidence in social situations, to get to sleep, and to relieve stress. Other reasons why women may drink alcohol include the following: Women are more likely to drink if they have problems with a loved one.
Cooling down after your workout allows for a gradual recovery of preexercise heart rate and blood pressure.
This contamination now allow the virus to move into another living medium (the one who actually ate the potato).
After the virus enter the eater's body, it will start to reproduce itself and caused several symtoms during the period where the antbodies inside the host's body is fighting it.
The symptoms involved in ontogenesis imperfect are- bone breakage, pain in bone, deformation of bones, brittle teeth, coloured tint in the white portion of eyes, loss in hearing and loose joints.
In the disease, ontogenesis imperfect, the strong bone formation in body is prevented by the defective gene that produces collagen protein. People who have the deficiency of collagen by birth, can develop this disease or can have it by birth. This defect can be hereditary.
The symptoms included in this disease are the- deformation and breakage of bones, pain in bone, grey or purple tint in the white portion of the eye, short stature, brittle teeth, hearing impairment and loose joints.