The correct answer is B2B; B2C.
B2B Marketing: These are the acronym for "business to business", that is, business to business. This type of marketing, therefore, is the one that is not aimed at the final consumer but rather at other companies, either to sell them raw materials or other products they need (for example, office supplies). In business-to-business marketing, the customer is interested above all in optimizing their purchase process. Normally transactions have a greater value than in the consumer market. Due to these characteristics, B2B marketing is based on rational arguments. What matters is not the emotions, but the characteristics of the product or service.
B2C Marketing: On the other hand, we have Marketing Business to Consumer, where the actions are always directed to the final consumer. The result of this is that the rational no longer prevails, but the emotional factor is the most important. In general, sales in the B2C market are of lower value and more impulsive. The consumer does not give so much importance to the objective characteristics of the product, but to what he contributes to his life or to what makes him feel. Therefore, in this type of marketing communication is more creative, subjective and emotional.