He would claim that it was proof of superiority. Social Darwinism is an idea that people or countries who succeed in life and who become rich did so because they could adapt to the environment and that those who are poor are inferior to them because they couldn't. In country leading, the idea is that the countries that became wealthy were superior and thus easily became rich while poor countries are inferior in their opinions.
In 1936, Landon sought the Republican presidential nomination opposing the re-election of Roosevelt. ... Landon proved to be an ineffective campaigner who rarely traveled. Most of the attacks on Roosevelt and Social Security were developed by Republican campaigners rather than Landon himself.
Four African Americans Served in U.S. Congress in 1959; Now There Are Many More
Image result for What happened in the battle of Granicus in 334 B.C.?
Let us know. Battle of Granicus, (May 334 bce). The first victorious engagement of Alexander the Great's invasion of the Persian Empire established the Macedonians on enemy soil. ... The victory left Asia Minor wide open to the Macedonian invasion.
From at least 1766BCE to the twentieth century of the Common Era, China was ruled by dynasties. A dynasty is a family that passes control from one generation to the next. A dynasty does not have to last for a long
time. One Chinese
dynasty lasted
more than 800
years while
another lasted
only fifteen years.