The average rate of an RN’s hourly wage is about a$32.66 an hour. This depends on where you work also.
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Patent Registration: This can be defined as the registration of the protection an invention to ensure that no one can make a copy of the said invention elsewhere. A patent registration is usually done after obtaining a patent right. A patent is the protection of an invention or idea to ensure that it is not produced or sold, etc by another individual. Patents are usually issued by the Patent and Trademark Office
Design Registration: This is the registration of a design such that it cannot be used elsewhere by another person. The registration of a design helps to protect the external look of an invention or product to ensure it is unusable anywhere else.
Non disclosure agreement: This is a legal contract that exists between two parties in which confidential messages, information, etc exchanged between them cannot be revealed to a third party. A non disclosure agreement is also called a confidential agreement or secrecy agreement or confidential disclosure agreement, etc among other names.
Trademark Registration: This can be defined as the registration of the protection of a company's mode of identity with its customers. Trademarks range from signs to symbols, to words, etc.
False. Phishing is usually considered emails that are sent that look genuine but are actually from scammers trying to obtain personal or financial information.
Answer: Four pies.
Marginal cost is the additional cost of producing one extra unit of a good or service.
From this graph we see the marginal cost rise when the first pie is produced and then it subsequently decreases as the second and third pie is produced which is where it reaches its lowest point.
From the fourth pie, the marginal cost begins to rise again which means the marginal cost begins to increase when the producer makes four pies.