When you buy expensive items with a loan, you often need to make a down payment to cover a portion of the purchase price. That initial payment is often critical for getting approved, and it can affect your borrowing costs throughout the life of your loan. As a result, it’s wise to understand how down payments work so you can choose the right down payment amount.
I think It would be A but I'm not exactly sure
Step-by-step explanation:
Step-by-step explanation:
Given the function y = 19800/x
Vertical asymptote occurs at when f(x) = 0 where;
f(x) is the denominator of the given function.
From the expression given: f(x) = x
Since f(x) => 0, hence x = 0
To get the horizontal asymptote, we will look at the degree of the numerator and denominator. If the degree of numerator is less than the denominator, the horizontal asymptote will be zero. From the function, we can see that the degree of the numerator is zero (being a constant) and that of the denominator is 1.
Since 0<1, hence the horizontal asymptote is 0
x = 0, y = 0
The pink angle is half the angle subtended by the blue arc.
Step-by-step explanation:
See attachment for circle
Compare the pink angle to the blue arc
Let the pink angle be x and the angle subtended by the blue arc be y.
So, we have:
angle at circumference
angle subtended by arc
The relationship between x and y is:

Make x the subject