Spanish-Hay dos tipos principales de movimientos de población: internacional (entre países) e interno (dentro de un país). Muchas migraciones contemporáneas están estrechamente relacionadas con los vínculos económicos, políticos y culturales que se están formando entre las naciones debido al proceso de globalización.
English-There are two main types of population movements – International (between countries) and Internal (within a country). Many contemporary migrations are closely related to the economic, political and cultural links being formed between nations due to the process of globalisation.
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A whiskey tax imposed by Congress in 1791 was the reason for the Whiskey Rebellion. When the United States adopted the Constitution in 1788, the federal government and the state governments still owed debts from the American Revolution (1775–83).
Explanation: happy to help :]
Some believed that the Constitution did not give the new federal government the ability to restrict inherent rights, so no list of those rights was necessary. Others worried that if the rights were listed, they would invariably forget some and the list would ever be incomplete. Finally, the argument was that the states each had their own constitutions, too, and that rights were best protected at a state level.
5 things you can learn about the Atlantic slave Trade from this map
1. The Atlantic slave trade took place from 1650-1860
2. There were about 10-15 million people that were enslaved
3. Some things they made slaves plant and grow is tobacco, sugarcane, cotton, rice and etc.
4. Slave were brought from western Africa and transported to North and South America
5. Slaves came from sierra Leone, Congo, Senegal, Angola