The Chinese people of the time believed that the country was working against the best interest of the people and in the interest of the spreading Western and Japanese powers. This is why a group of people started the boxer rebellion. This was a nationalist movement that wanted China to be independent and work in the interest of China and Chinese people and not in the interest of foreigners.
humanism is based on the fact that everybody has potential, so saying they’re determined to stay in one class their whole lives goes against that belief.
Arabia merchants conduct trade over bigger areas.
Technology had to become less labor-intensive. It had to become high-tech. For good or evil, the plague years gave us crossbows, new medical ideas, guns, clocks, eyeglasses, and a new craving for general knowledge.
At the Munich Conference, Chamberlain signed off an appeasement so that Hitler could have the Sudetenland in exchange for Germany making no further demands for land in Europe. Chamberlain made the ill assumption that if he gave Hitler what he wanted this time, It'd be enough to satisfy him and quiet down his reign in Europe. Ultimately, this is not what happened and he ended up using this piece of land to further attack Czechoslavakia and Poland, commencing WW2. Winston Churchill even predicted this would happen and criticized Chamberlain, calling what he did "dishonerable.