conflicts in France between Protestants and Roman Catholics. The spread of French Calvinism persuaded the French ruler Catherine de Médicis to show more tolerance for the Huguenots, which angered the powerful Roman Catholic Guise family. Its partisans massacred a Huguenot congregation at Vassy (1562), causing an uprising in the provinces. Many inconclusive skirmishes followed, and compromises were reached in 1563, 1568, and 1570. After the murder of the Huguenot leader Gaspard II de Coligny in the Massacre of Saint Bartholomew’s Day (1572), the civil war resumed. A peace compromise in 1576 allowed the Huguenots freedom of worship. An uneasy peace existed until 1584, when the Huguenot leader Henry of Navarre (later Henry IV) became heir to the French throne. This led to the War of the Three Henrys and later brought Spain to the aid the Roman Catholics. The wars ended with Henry’s embrace of Roman Catholicism and the religious toleration of the Huguenots guaranteed by the Edict of Nantes (1598).
There are two kinds of revelation: natural revelation and special revelation. Natural revelation is what we as human beings can discern about God from what we see in His creation. Special revelation is what God reveals to us through His Holy Word… which as a Christian, I would limit to what is revealed in the Holy Bible. Note however, there are other “voices” which can pretend they are God speaking to us but some from Satan and not God. In our Bible Satan even tried to tempt Jesus Christ. So special revelation here is limited to what comes from God Himself.
Natural Revelation. Nature is all around us. If you take the telescope, you see the vastness of the heavens above. We can see about 6000 stars with our naked eye… but now that we have telescopes and other devices, we know that there are billions of billions of whole galaxies. When we see this, our thoughtful mind asks… How did this come to be? We know that something cannot come from nothing. There must be an explanation of how it came into being. We hear the scientists talk about the Big Bang. But then we ask… but where did the Big Bang come from? Soon we are pressed into the idea that there must be Someone or Something… outside of our universe for the universe cannot create itself.
Then we take the microscope and we look into the micro-world. We find out that what we see is made up of tiny particles… smaller and smaller until we come down to the atom. But then we start to take the atom apart and we find a delicately made electron and proton made in a very complicated design. And the electrons are spinning around the protons etc. We ask. How did this come to be? As we study atomic structure we find it is extremely complicated with many different kinds of atoms that make up the fundamental elements which make up our world. We stand back amazed and say… how did this happen? Surely this did not happen as an accident of nature.
Greek Tyrants
In 404 BCE, following the defeat of the Athenian military forces in Sicily, there was an oligarchy of 'the Thirty Tyrants' in Athens which was a particularly brutal regime, noted for its summary executions. Megara and Thebes were other states which had an oligarchic system.
5. Is C. (Strong central gov. Vs. strong state controlled gov.) and 6 is A.
athough Madison fared poorly during the war, the victories against Tecumseh and at New Orleans lifted American spirits and returned Madison to a high point of public respect. If nothing else, the war swelled national pride, broke the Indian threat in the Northwest, and reaped tremendous political benefits for those lucky enough to have fought and survived. The Battle of the Thames River alone, for example, was used to produce a President of the United States (Harrison), a vice president, three governors of Kentuc…
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