im going to guess its a cause think of it this way its like family in a way if raccoons and red pandas are a more common ancestor than they might have been family along the lines of history somewhere if its not a than d i hop this helps and id pick d it sounds more frequent
By keeping your skin hydrated, you can help keep the elastin that your skin needs to keep from scarring. Using topical creams such as coconut oil will keep your skin moisturized and make stretch marks less likely. Even without treatment, almost all stretch marks will fade over time.
Couples who cohabit are characterized by a lower level of commitment when
compared to married couples. Cohabiting couples are two people who live
together but are not married. The form of relationship between the two people
is a loose relationship because it does not have a legal binding and they are
free to separate at any time.
The second arrow (the middle one)