It would be on June 3rd. This is the day before the ex-dividend date. The ex-dividend date for stocks is typically set one working day before the record date. If you acquire a stock on its ex-dividend date or after, you will not obtain the next dividend imbursement. As an alternative, the vendor gets the dividend. If you buy earlier than the ex-dividend date, you can get the dividend.
The correct answer is option b.
If the federal fund's rates were above the targeted rate, the Fed would need to move it towards the targeted rate. To move the interest rate towards the targeted rate, the government would need to increase the money supply. This can be done by buying bonds. When the Fed buys bonds they pay for it, this causes the money supply to increase. As the supply curve shifts to the right, the interest rate will fall down.
Ordering costs are the costs incurred when materials are requested for. These components of this cost are:- 1)Clerical and administrative costs involved in purchasing and accounting for the goods ordered.
2)Cost of transportation
3)Retooling cost: This happens when the product is manufactured internally. Retooling means change of working tools.
4)Insurance while in transit.
5)Drivers' salaries and allowances
6)Loss of materials while in transit.
7)Taxes, custom duties and import duties.