Depends on how deep you're willing to go to really,
You need one of a few arrangements of flip flop circuits to keep 1-bit state.
Going deeper, you need either NAND, or NOR gates(or a bunch of other ones) and connectors.
Even deeper, you'll require diodes or transistors to build the logic gates.
Beyond that is particle physics.
adding merge fields is a way to personalize a document with information from the data source. The merge fields come from the column headings in the data source.
1. B
2. D
3. C
4. A
5. B
1. To check the integrity of your hard disk and fix various file system errors, the Windows utility which should be implemented is Check disk (Chkdsk). This utility is always used with the command line interface (CLI) with the command "chkdsk."
2. An event or action took place and it caused damage to data, hardware, software and processing capability of the computer. From the statement given, security risks are being described. Any event or action that is capable of causing a problem to a computer system is considered to be a security risk and should be prevented through the use of an appropriate utility software.
3. Virus is a software program that can infect, damage and disrupts the whole computer system.
4. To protect the whole computer system, the software utility which is needed is an Anti-virus.
5. To avoid losing valuable data to your computer, the most important thing to do is to regularly back-up your files.
In combinational circuits, the current output values are always the same for the same set of input values, regardless the previous values.
We say that combinational circuits have no memory, or that the circuit has no feedback from the outputs.
For sequential circuits, on the contrary, the current output values are not based in the current input values only, but on the previous output values as well.
So, the fact of having a defined set of input values at a given moment, doesn't guarantee which the output values will be.
We say that sequential circuits have memory, or that they have feedback from the outputs.
Examples of these type of circuits are R-S, J-K, D or T flip-flops.