True. This is the case where an invasive species has reduced the genetic diversity of indigenous species.
- An invasive species is an exotic, foreign species that takes over a specific habitat or ecosystem and destabilizes it.
- Invasive species disrupt the food chains of an ecosystem which may lead to increase in populations of some species while reducing others.
- Invasive species compete with indigenous species for food, shelter and mates. As the indigenous species cannot reproduce properly, a reduction in their genetic diversity is the direct result.
Most species produce more offspring than can survive.
Since living space and food are limited, organisms must compete for the necessities.
Differences between individuals in a population.
Any kind of inherited trait that improves an organism's chances of survival.
Natural selection
The environment selects organisms with optimal traits to be the parents of the next generation.
Over many generations, favorable adaptations accumulate and may result in a new species.