Factors of the Rule of Law
Constraints on Government Powers. (Factor 1)
Absence of Corruption. (Factor 2)
Open Government. (Factor 3)
Fundamental Rights. (Factor 4)
Order and Security. (Factor 5)
Regulatory Enforcement. (Factor 6)
Civil Justice. (Factor 7)
Criminal Justice. (Factor 8)
W. Edwards Deming
William Edwards Deming was the famous engineer, lecturer, and management of the United States in the twentieth century. His most noted contribution laid in his methods of quality control, better design of product and extensive sale which proved to be a miracle for the economy of Japan after the second world war.
Answer: False
The U.S. Supreme Court doesn't defines materiality as "the magnitude of an omission or misstatement of accounting information that, in light of surrounding circumstances, makes it probable that the judgment of a reasonable person relying on the information would have been changed or influenced by the omission or misstatement." Instead, materiality is defined as “generally states that information is material if there is a substantial likelihood that the omitted or misstated item would have been viewed by a reasonable resource provider as having significantly altered the total mix of information,”
C. It is a highly developed economy.
1. Founded
2. Devoted
3. Benefited
4. Eventually
5. Transform
6. Innovation