The use of factories for production.
New technology and machines.
Increased production of crops.
A decrease in available capital.
La creación de la bandera de la Argentina es generalmente atribuida a Manuel Belgrano, quien hizo una bandera a principios de 1812 usando los colores blanco y celeste conforme a los de la escarapela ya oficializada.
It was an act of Congress passed July 13, 1787 that created the the
Northwest Territory of the USA and in doing so established the basis of
many of the amendments to the constitution later laid down as part of
the Bill of Rights (including the Abolition of Slavery).
Andrew Jackson (1767-1845), seventh president of the United States, symbolized the democratic advances of his time. His actions strengthened the power of the presidential office in American government. The second crowd that showed up at the mansion was made up of Jackson supporters who were dressed in their best clothes.