The Rosetta Stone is part of a larger inscription. However, another part was not found in a subsequent search on the Rosetta website. As a result of his damaged condition, none of the three texts on this stone are truly complete. The upper text written in Egyptian hieroglyphics suffered the most damage. Only the last 14 lines of hieroglyphic text that can be read on the right side are all cut off, while on the left there are 12 cut lines. The demotic text is still incomplete condition with 32 lines, with the first 14 lines slightly damaged on the right side. Meanwhile, the Greek text consists of 54 lines, with the first 27 lines still intact and the rest incomplete due to diagonal cracks in the lower right of this rock. The length of the hieroglyphic text and the size of the original inscription can be estimated based on comparisons with similar surviving inscriptions, especially those containing copies of the same edict. The edict was slightly earlier than Canopus, which was founded in 238 BC during the reign of Ptolemy III, the height of 2,190 mm with a width of 820 mm. This notice contains 36 lines of hieroglyphic text, 73 lines of demotic text, and 74 lines of Greek text. The texts are the same length. From this comparison, it can be estimated that 14 or 15 lines of hieroglyphic text are missing from the top writing of the Rosetta Stone, which means that the original inscription is about 300 millimeters higher than its current form. In addition to the inscription writing, there may also be a decoration depicting a king presented before the gods surrounded by winged discs, such as the Canopus Inscription. Based on these comparisons, as well as the hieroglyphic symbol for the "inscription" used on the Rosetta Stone itself, viz
it can be expected that this inscription originally had a curved top. The height of the original inscription is estimated at around 149 cm.
<h2>Further explanation
The Rosetta Stone is a granodiorite stone inscription discovered in 1799. This inscription has three versions of an edict issued in Memphis, Egypt in 196 BC during the Ptolemaic dynasty in the name of King Ptolemaios V. The proclamation text at the top and middle of the inscription was written in Ancient Egyptian with hieroglyphic and demotic characters, while the lower part is written in Ancient Greek. Because the differences in the three versions of this edict were not many, the Rosetta Stone was the key to the translation of Egyptian hieroglyphics, which in turn broadened insights into ancient Egyptian history.
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Rosetta Stone
Egypt inscription
Class: High School
Subject: English
Keywords: Rosetta, Stone, inscription