Brad has been in a state of incessant worry for almost half a year now. He has trouble sleeping and breathing. Dr. Simons, a psy
chiatrist, asks Brad detailed questions about his symptoms and medical history. Brad tells Dr. Simons that he cannot stop worrying and is constantly nervous. Brad also complains of muscular tension and stomach problems. After conducting a quick examination of Brad’s symptoms, Dr. Simons discovers that Brad’s incessant worry does not have a particular cause, and it has taken a physical toll on Brad’s health. Which of the following disorders is Dr. Simons most likely to diagnose Brad with?
It means that he must apply first aid as soon as possible
but he must also be careful so as not to jeopardize the victim’s life. He has to do it fast but must know the
procedure so that he can both save and stabilize the victim’s life.