True since it is often based in latin or root words derived from the greek language
The correct answer is B. Since it's a small town, everyone knows everybody else.
In this specific story, the setting includes details such as "Country field" or "small town" because these details refer to the context and specific location of this story including the geographic and demographic features "The population barely reached 263 people". Moreover, this specific setting affects the story because it affects the characters. Indeed, this specific stetting implies in the town there are few people and they know and support each other. This is explicitly mentioned in "Everybody knew everybody". According to this, the correct answer is B.
…that the sites’ creator, Jeremy Irish, tried to trademark the word “geocaching”? He did so when the word had already been used for months as the common term for the hobby, and failed.
…that Groundspeak Inc, then Grounded Inc, wanted to file a lawsuit against for the use of the word “geocaching”? This too failed, and Navicache responded by increasing their site activities and making it a full-fledges site for geocache listings.
…that banner ads, merchandise sales and paid memberships were used to fund This despite many attempts to keep geocaching non-commercial.
…that used to censor the names of other geocaching websites? People were not allowed to utter them or link to them on
…that the site tried to merge the much older hobby of letterboxing with geocaching, which was resisted by many members.
The past participle is used with the verb (have / has / had) to create the present and past perfect tenses. The past participle form is also used to modify nouns and pronouns.