Geometric Average return = 7.83%
First we need to find the missing value of data using Arithmetic mean formula
Arithmetic Mean = Sum of value / No of values
8.8% = Sum of Values / 4
Sum of Values = 8.8% x 4
Sum Values = 35.2%
Using Sum of Values we minus the remaining values in order to get the missing value of the data.
35.20% - 16.3% - 10.2%-(14.1%) = 22.80%
In order to get Geometric mean value we use geometric mean formula
G.M = 4 Sqrt(16.3% x 10.2% x -14.1% + 22.80%)
Geometric Mean = 7.83%
perceived behavioral control
According to my research on the theory of planned behavior, I can say that based on the information provided within the question the factor most likely to interfere with Tom quitting smoking is his perceived behavioral control. This is defined as the individuals perception of believing whether or not a behavior is within their control. If Tom does not believe quitting smoking is in his control, then he will not be able to quit regardless of how many people tell him how important it is to do so.
I hope this answered your question. If you have any more questions feel free to ask away at Brainly.
Human resources (HR) professionals are responsible for strategically managing employees within an organization while remaining compliant with laws that govern employee rights and employer obligations. If an organization violates these complex and ever-changing regulations, it exposes itself to risk, including lawsuits, financial losses, and reputation damage.
Since non-compliance can result in such serious consequences, there is a strong demand for industry workers who possess knowledge of HR laws and common legal issues in the workplace.
[A] chronological summary of all transactions posted to individual patient ledgers/accounts on a specific day
a reduced availability of these badly needed products.
Price control is when the government imposed a price regime that is aimed at protecting the consumer from over pricing by sellers. When price ceilings are imposed there is a maximum price the the seller cannot go above in pricing of products.
In this case if ocal governments imposed price controls that prevented sellers from raising their prices for badly needed products like plywood and generators. It will result in reduced availability of the products to these areas.
Sellers tend to reduce amount supplied, due to scarcity consumers will have to buy at black market prices that are higher.