If the alcohol concentration in PEA agar was increased, it would inhibit both Gram - and Gram + bacteria by breaking down membrane absorbency barrier, tolerating influx of substances that are generally blocked and leakage of cellular potassium. High alcohol concentrations would lead to disruption or halting of DNA synthesis in both Gram + and Gram - bacteria
Compensatory hypertrophy is an increase in size of an organ or tissue after the organs and tissues are either damaged, removed, or cease to function.
Hypertrophy is the term used to describe an increase in cell size. If the enough number of cells in some organ hypertrophy, the whole organ will also hypertrophy.
Compensatory hypertrophy is an increase in size of an organ or tissue after the organs and tissues are either damaged, removed, or cease to function. It can take place in a number of human organs and tissues such as the liver, the kidneys, the heart, the spleen, the lungs, the pancreas etc.
2/3 of the students in a class are girls. if there are 20 boys in the class. then the totoal number of girls isthe length of abhishek's notebook is 17cm and 8 mm. What will be its length in cma fraction has no2/3 of the students in a class are girls. if there are 20 boys in the class. then the totoal number of girls isthe length of abhishek's notebook is 17cm and 8 mm. What will be its length in cm