Here's a solution in node.js. Can be easily transcribed to other languages:
var paint_per_sqf = 1/350;
var wall_area = 250.0;
var gallons_paint = wall_area * paint_per_sqf;
console.log(wall_area.toFixed(1) + " square feet wall will need:");
console.log(gallons_paint.toFixed(12) + " gallons of paint");
a. count of observations that meet a condition (counts), total number of observations (nobs), Hypothesized value of population proportion (value).
In other to use the proportion_ztest method, the need to make import from the statsmodel module ; statsmodels.stats.proportion.proportions_ztest ; this will allow use use the Z test for proportion and once this method is called it will require the following arguments (count, nobs, value=None, alternative='two-sided', prop_var=False)
nobs = number of observations
count = number of successes in the nobs trial or the number of successes for each independent sample.
Value = hypothesized value of the population proportion.
Answer: Access control
Explanation:Access control is the type of security facility that is provided to the systems in an organization. The functions carried out in maintaining the security of the system is done by authenticating , authorizing and identification of the users and related components . They are secured using the PINs , passwords, bio-metric scan etc.
The situation of the user wanting to have a unrestrained access towards data as well as maintaining the security is the done by access control.
using namespacestd;
int main ()
int x1[3][3]={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};
int x2[3][3];
int i,j;
x2[i][j] = x1[i][j];
cout<<"copy from x1 to x2 , x2 is :";
cout<<x2[i][j]<<" ";
return 0;
/* Sample output
copy from x1 to x2 , x2 is :1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Press any key to continue . . .
I believe it is science, but before you do anything with this answer, research more on it, just in case I'm wrong! :)