<span>Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination that violates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Title VII applies to employers with 15 or more employees. Sexual harassment can be unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature that explicitly or implicitly affects an individual’s employment. These acts can also rise to the level of sexual harassment when they unreasonably interfere with an individual’s work performance or create a hostile or offensive work environment. </span>
stratified squamous mucosa
The vagina is a muscular tube lined by a stratified squamous mucosa containing abundant glycogen. There is no epithelial keratin layer, but the mucosa is protected by an acid environment (lactic acid) resulting from bacterial growth on a glycogen substrate supplied by the mucosa.
"Are all diseases caused by pathogens?"
A few harmful microbes, for example less than 1% of bacteria, can invade our body (the host) and make us ill. Microbes cause infectious diseases such as flu and measles. ... Different diseases are caused by different types of micro-organisms. Microbes that cause disease are called pathogens.
It is unsafe to climb any sort of ladder unsecured.
About 8-9 days for most people but, it depends on the type of pain and tissue healing!