My brother Felipe and I walked up to the abandoned house at the end of the street. We was both shaking and filled with fear. Felipe opens the gates slowly and we walked forward. Both of us wasn't ready to go into the abandoned house. We both new it was creepy enough to make us cry. We walked all the way up to the door and knocked, but no one answered. We tried to open the door but it was locked. I leaned over the railing and looked in the window, and it was pretty empty in there. I could only see a table and some empty bowls on it, assuming it was a kitchen. Then there was a noise inside the house, sending a chill down both of our sounds. It sounded like screaming. Finally, we turned and left, looking behind us to make sure we wasn't followed home.
They review the customers needs and then brainstorm,test and create to make sure they are happy with the out come. They offer software upgrades and other programs and systems. They create each piece of a system and figure out how the pieces will work together
"The space shuttles is the subject."
Simple formula: find the verb of the sentence then ask the question "who or what performs the verb" and the answer to that question is the SUBJECT of that sentence!
In your sentence; ask the question;
"Who or what have made travel to the International space station convenient and possible?
Answer: The space shuttles (that's your subject)
See below
Thomas is the greenie, so there's that, but what immediately comes to my mind is the fact that Ben is obviously showing signs of paranoia and panic. Plus, one of the rules is you can't kill a glader like that.
Close ended question
With open ended it might make them want to tell stories with close ended it makes them have limited things to say. Therefore getting you out quicker,