A prefix is a word that has like a smaller less of a word in front of it. For example copilot has a prefix which is the co part. If it helps, if a word has a prefix you can usually tell because without that prefix it is still a word, like, pilot. A suffix is easier, it is any word that ends with thing like "ing" or "able" (disable) "dom" (freedom) and "er" (dancer). Also, prefixes go at the beginning of a word and suffixes at the end. :)
Stray” is realistic fiction and is about a little girl named Doris who finds a stray dog. The text's theme is about what makes people change and grow. Throughout the text, the author focuses on one's ability to change and grow while using imagery to convey mood and character traits.
A guilty conscience is not easily mended
A paragraph groups together sentences related to one topic
Applied Force
You're applying the force onto the object