The answer is d., nervous tissue that promotes movement in the muscle tissue, triggers the brain on what muscle tissue needs to move, as in walking or lifting weights...
The particularly severe winter of 1777-1778 proved to be a great trial for the American army, and of the 11,000 soldiers stationed at Valley Forge, hundreds died from disease. However, the suffering troops were held together by loyalty to the Patriot cause and to General Washington, who stayed with his men.
N = Atomic Number
A = Atomic Mass
Atomic # = Protons/Electrons
Neutrons = M-N (25-12)
25-12 = 13 Neutrons </span>
In cellular respiration, the cells take the carbohydrates in and through complex metabolic processes, they break them down and release the energy.
I don't think it will work.
Fish breathe with gill not lungs. Unlike lungs, gill works one way. You breathe out air out of you mouth but fish dump the water from their gill so they shouldn't be able to push water out of their mouth.
Even if the could fish push the water through their mouth, the gas exchange didn't happen because the water didn't move through the gill. The fish that giving water cannot breathe while giving resuscitation.