In addition to vocalization, a mother sea lion locate her pup using a variety of behavioral signals such as moving inside their colony, returning to a familiar location within the colony where she frequented to feed her pup, visual cues and olfactory cues like smelling the approaching pups.
Sea Lions belong to the scientific order Pinnipedia and the family Otariidae. They can walk on all fours on land by rotating their pelvic girdle under their body and also use their front flippers to move in the water. During their breeding and pupping (birthing) time, they gather in groups called rookeries. They can communicate through vocalizations (barks, growls, and grunts) both on land and in water.
After the return of mother sea lions to the rookery from their searching for food (foraging), the mother-pup pairs identify and locate each other through the exchange of vocalizations. In addition to vocalization, the mothers often return to a home spot (familiar location within their colony where a female frequented to feed her pup), move inside the colony and also use visual and olfactory cues like smelling the approaching pups to correctly identify their pup. Also, the return of the mother to a familiar home spot provides the pup with spatial and geographical memory cues.
Adaptations are
the result of evolution in different living organisms. This process occurs amazingly
through gene mutation but it takes a very long period in time. Adaptation
processes occur to help species survive and thrive in the ecological balance of
life. Structural adaptations are physical features of an organism that adapted
through time. An example of this are the bills of a bird and the fur of bears
that they generally need for their survival; birds for hunting, and bears to
protect them from low climate areas.
Functional or
Behavioral adaptations refer to particular things that an organism or organisms
do to survive. In the example above, behavioral adaptations that birds do is
through certain bird calls and migration, while bears hunt during warmer
seasons and hibernate during winter season. </span>
Reject some alternative hypothesis.
<span>hierarchical is the broadest categories in the classification of life is called.</span>