Price 4 years from today: 887
9 years: 1008
just plug in the amount of years for t!
Step-by-step explanation:
Circumference of circle =
where D is its diameter.
If D increase 3 times, Circumference increases 3 time.
Simple linear relationship.1
The probability of SFS and SSF are same, i.e. P (SFS) = P (SSF) = 0.1311.
Step-by-step explanation:
The probability of a component passing the test is, P (S) = 0.79.
The probability that a component fails the test is, P (F) = 1 - 0.79 = 0.21.
Three components are sampled.
Compute the probability of the test result as SFS as follows:
P (SFS) = P (S) × P (F) × P (S)

Compute the probability of the test result as SSF as follows:
P (SSF) = P (S) × P (S) × P (F)

Thus, the probability of SFS and SSF are same, i.e. P (SFS) = P (SSF) = 0.1311.
explication: both of the angles are 90 degrees, 90-33=57, 3(18)+3=57