The war swept away the German, Austro-Hungarian, Russian, and Ottoman Empires and created a string of new states, arbitrary borders, and simmering disputes from the Baltic Sea to the Persian Gulf. The European victors – France, Italy, and Great Britain – were financially exhausted and politically spent.
There is not an only path in the process of turning an idea into a law at federal and state levels of government, however, the most common path is exemplified as follows:
1. You write your state or federal senator about your idea.
2.The Creation of a Bill. Members of the House or Senate draft, sponsor and introduce bills for consideration by Congress.
3. Introduction of Legislation - A Member of Congress can submit a bill for introduction at any time during a Chamber's daily session.
4. Committee Action - The bill is referred to the appropriate committee by the Speaker of the House or the presiding officer in the Senate
5. Floor Action - The bill goes to the House for action.
6. Resolving Differences Between the House and Senate Versions
7. Presidential Action. ...
8. The Creation of a Law.
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a common small fly occurring worldwide in and around human habitation. Its eggs are laid in decaying material, and the fly can be a health hazard due to its contamination of food.