I think, i learned this earlier in the year and my test had a question similar to this one, if it's not b then it's definitely
Johnsons' plan was very similar as it was not to punishing to the south, yet it was even less punishing than Lincoln's. Also, it did not protect the rights of African Americans.
Explanation: Brainliest please.
Clouds usually form in humid weather
IOUs from government - buy a piece of paper from government with promised interest rate - money goes to help government with task or project - most famous ones are for war.
what the bank holds on to - does not loan out
deemed acceptable by bankers - viewed as low risk in borrowing money.
chance you take that investment will or will not work out; also can be chance you take in anything like possibility of being injured or getting sick.
when you explain to insurance company about what happened
Monthly payment to have insurance coverage
Purchasing Power
strength or value of money - affects how much you can buy
act of or status from borrowing money or taking out loan from financial institution (not from friends or family)
list of investments
Installment Plan
breaking something into multiple payments so that large sum not due at once
Mutual Funds
money pooled or collected from multiple investors to purchase securities or investments
coverage for 'what if' - helps split risks among multiple people
what must be paid out of pocket before insurance company will cover costs.
Credit Union
non-profit member run financial institution
percentage charged on top of a loan
The Constitutional Amendments that affect that apply to the office of the president are 12th, 20th, 22nd, 23rd, and 25th Amendments.
- 12th Amendment: States the rules and regulations for conducting the Presidential and Vice-Presidential elections.
- 20th Amendment: Defines the revised terms (tenure) of the offices of the President and the Vice-President.
- 22nd Amendment: Restricted the re-election of the same individual as the President of the US to two terms.
- 23rd Amendment: Speaks about the Presidential vote dispensed to the district of Columbia.
- 25th Amendment: Defines the procedure to be implemented in the cases of Presidential vacancy, inability or disability.