Plants and other producers generate their own energy, which allows them to grow, reproduce, and live. They are the only living organisms on the planet that can produce their own supply of food energy, which makes them unique. They, of course, require sunlight, water, and air to survive.
c. lobes
Brain lobes are divisions of the cerebral hemispheres, designated by the names of the surrounding cranial bones and covering them. The frontal lobe is located in the forehead region; the occipital lobe in the nape region; the parietal lobe in the upper central part of the head; and the temporal lobes in the lateral regions of the head above the ears.
Parietal, temporal and occipital lobes are involved in producing the perceptions resulting from what our sensory organs detect in the outer environment and the information they provide about the position and relationship to outer objects of different parts of our body.
Both the arguments are valid.
Claire thinks enough food should should be produced for everyone, because the world's population is rapidly increasing. Don thinks the environment should be kept in mind, because our environment is getting ruined every second. Hence, both arguments are valid.
A look at how cacti are able to survive and grow in the harsh, dry desert environment. The spines on a cactus help to protect it from humans and animals. Its roots are spread out to collect water when it does rain and it stores water in its body for future use.