Answer: No.
Studying about diseases, their effect, cause and the prevention of diseases is known as Epidemiology, and the scientists that studies Epidermiology and take it as a professsion are called Epidermiologists.
From the question; assuming the epidemiologist who finds a correlation between the use of tanning beds and melanoma (an aggressive form of skin cancer) in college-age women, the Epidermiologist can NOT conclude that tanning beds cause skin cancer BECAUSE the fact that the the use of tanning beds CORRELATE with melanoma (an aggressive form of skin cancer) in college-age women does not PROOF THAT tanning beds cause skin cancer.
===>That is, the fact that something correlate with another thing does not make it the cause.
First aid is care given to someone before a paramedic arrives so for example.. If you and your friend are out on the trails on atvs and your friend wrecks his/her dirt bike and you are miles from the nearest help what would you do? without first aid your friend could die he/ she has a large deep gash in their thigh. It is bleeding bad and applying pressure isn't helping stop it. You remember something from first aid class that may help but your friend could lose their leg and is very scared. so you would try to calm him/her down reassure them and,then you apply a tourniquet to stop the bleeding. now you take your friend to the nearest help. You just saved your friends life but, if you didn't know first aid he/she could've died by the time a paramedic made it to where you were. That is why is important to know. that is what we were taught in my class it worked we all passed and knew how to apply first aid. hope this helped. :)
The reasons why people use Illegal Drugs are :
1. Peer Pressure.
2. As an escape from Stress or Tension.
3. To relieve boredom.
4. For experiments.
5. Abuse and Trauma.
6. Mental or Physical Illness.
7. History of Family Drug Abuse.
to be sober and concentrated
I believe that the answer is B. As (A) does not relate to the effects of alcohol on the Alcoholics life but on its ability to stay hidden.