Ceremony which can as well be reffered to as Rites and Rituals in an organization can be regarded as a pre-planned events which has social, formalities as well as latents purposes. This manifest purpose have effect on how the organization is working and in aiding the acheiving the organizational goals. It involves motivation of employee in the organization by giving bout award to the outstanding among them. For instance, On the foundation day of an organization, the president of the organization awards exceptionally performing employees with a bouquet and a plaque at a banquet every year is an example of a ceremony.
Hello, yes it's actually common for people to give up their home to avoid further payment only if their lender agrees and allows that to happen. But of course, the remaining balance (the difference of the house value and what's left of the mortgage) must be paid. Walking away from an underwater mortgage can seriously affect that person's financial future and by extent his/her relationship with the community. His/Her credit score will go down with this, it may be difficult for him/her to qualify for another mortgage in the future. Another reason is that - in most states, it is completely legal for lenders to go after the difference (deficiency) because technically they own that and have rights to it.
A check list should be base on past problems.