In December 1878 Sir Bartle Frere, British high commissioner for South Africa, issued an ultimatum to Cetshwayo that was designed to be impossible to satisfy: the Zulu were, among other things, to dismantle their “military system” within 30 days and pay reparations for alleged insults.
In Russia, World War I became the catalyst for the ovethrow of Czar Nicholas II and the rise of the Communist Party (Bolshevik Revolution) led by Vladmir Lenin. Russia became the first Communist country. Communism eventually spread to small countries near Russia and eventually spread to Cuba, China and Vietnam.
Freedmen needed to decide where to live and how to support themselves. Many also searched for lost family members. Not all were young or healthy enough to leave the plantations where they had been living. Some struggled with poverty and illness.
Exact PLATO answer:
Answers will vary but should touch on the fact that Black people had been "given" land to work during the War, which was now scheduled to revert back to the antebellum owners, and Black people were protesting this as unfair. Reflections should include a reference to the fact that the federal government had issued amnesty or pardons to the former landowners, so the case of ownership was not clear-cut. Reflections should also discuss the lack of options for Black people who were cheated, subjected to physical violence, or otherwise denied the rights they thought had been secured with the end of the war.
We first domesticated farm animals, sheep and goats were among the first domesticated roughly 11,000 years ago.
Cats became pets around 7000 B.C. with the advent of agriculture.
No one can pinpoint exactly when humans first started keeping dogs as pets, but estimates range from roughly 13,000 to 30,000 years ago.
A team of archaeologists recently presented new evidence that horses were domesticated in 3500 B.C.—about a thousand years earlier than previous estimates