Radio frequency is short for RF, which is a kind of high frequency alternating current electromagnetic wave with frequency range from 3k hz-3k GHz
Because the frequency is high, so the molecular movement speed is fast, and the physical explanation of the heat of the object 100 is its internal molecular movement speed, the use of radio frequency energy to make the molecular high speed movement of course will achieve the purpose of heating
Object permanence is the developmental milestone that must be reached before an infant experiences separation anxiety. It is used to describe the ability of a child to know that objects continue to exist despite the fact that they can no longer be perceived that is , seen or heard, touched, smelled, or sensed in any way. This milestone is developed through touching and handling objects by the infants.
Because the different environments permit some organisms to thrive, while others cannot. ... Similarly, a fish (extremely suited to its aquatic environment) can't survive out of water. A characteristic which allows growth in one environment will not necessarily allow growth in another.
It entera from your body to the middle and then to the back and again.