First, you convert 5% to decimal. For your info, percents are always equal to 100. So, you divide 5 by a 100, which gives you 0.05. Then, you multiply 2.95 by 0.05. 2.95 x 0.05 is 0.1475 which is about 0.15. Then, you add 0.15 to 2.95. The total cost of a $2.95 notebook plus 5% is about $3.10.
Step-by-step explanation:
<u>Use the law of cosines:</u>
- cos C = (25² + 27² - 28²)/(2*25*27)
- cos C = 0.4222
- m∠C = arccos 0.4222
- m∠C = 65°
90/36 is 2.5, so the Baker needs to make 2.5 batches of cookies
2.5 batches of cookies x 2.25 cups of flour
is 5.625 cups of flour
which is 5 5/8 cups of flour
125 miles
Step-by-step explanation:
1) 675-425 = 250
2) 250/2 = 125
3) 125 miles before she needs to stop
90 cm because ................................