More than 7000 chemicals are present in tobacco smoke.
In these 7000 chemicals, 250 are harmful to the human body such as carbonmonoxide, ammonia and hydrogen cyanide etc. There are some chemicals that are found in tobacco smoke which causes cancer disease in human. About 69 chemicals out of 250 are present in tobacco smoke that causes cancer disease. So its consumption is dangerous for health.
did it on edgenueity 2020
To store genetic information to pass on to other living organisms.
The matrix (inside mito) has a negative charge compared to the intermembrane space (outside of mito but still inside) because positively charged protons are constantly pumped from the matrix to the intermembrane space. A cell oxidizes an organic molecule producing 3 NADH molecules and 3 FADH2 molecules..
A zoonosis (zoonotic disease or zoonoses -plural) is an infectious disease that is transmitted between species from animals to humans (or from humans to animals).