Prior to cell division, which can either be meiotic or mitotic, the DNA content of the cell gets doubled in the Synthesis phase of the Interphase stage. In humans like myself, our cells consist of 23 pairs of chromosomes or 46 chromosomes. The DNA doubles in order for each daughter cell to get the correct number of genetic material.
After the S-phase, the chromosome number in the human cell does not change, just that each individual chromosome gets replicated or duplicated to form sister chromatids. Therefore, the human cell will contain 46 duplicated chromosomes or 92 sister chromatids after Synthesis phase and before the meiotic division.
Note that, humans are diploid organisms (2n) i.e. two set of chromosomes. Hence, they undergo meiosis to reduce their ploidy level from diploid (2n=46) to haploid (n=23).
DNA replication occurs or DNA doubles in the Synthesis (S) phase of interphase either in mitotic or meiotic division because cell division starts after S phase. Normal human cell contains 23 pair of chromosomes means total 46 chromosomes.
Now, when the DNA doubles during S phase there will be 46 pairs of chromosomes or 92 chromosomes (sister chromatids) before the meiotic division.
In meiosis, ploidy level reduced from diploid (2n) to haploid (n).
So, above scenario the answer is 2n=46 (duplicated).
Explanation: The Big Bang theory is basically how the world was created, or sometimes known as the sun exploding. This would be the same example of a balloon being popped.