Answer: hyperbole
"Evaporated into thin air" is an hyperbole. It simply means that something has completely vanished or in a situation whereby nobody knows the whereabout of someone or a particular thing.
For example, "The book on my table has evaporated into thin air" simply means that the book was on my table but now, I don't know where it is as it can't be found.
I would work extra to organize it if my boss let me then I would get extra money
A small land-locked country
A landlocked country shall face the greatest obstacle to development.
This is because by being landlocked, it cannot access the outside world.
No international business shall happen between the country and others, thereby no<em> foreign revenue</em> shall be earned by the country.
Access to a country is primary in its business dealings with other countries, thereby a landlocked country is an economically maimed country.
Rainbows are caused by the reflection of light in water droplets.