Here's a solution in node.js. Can be easily transcribed to other languages:
var paint_per_sqf = 1/350;
var wall_area = 250.0;
var gallons_paint = wall_area * paint_per_sqf;
console.log(wall_area.toFixed(1) + " square feet wall will need:");
console.log(gallons_paint.toFixed(12) + " gallons of paint");
A-because most of the victims of intellectual theft are individuals
Its definitely the first, and not B., C, or D,
Countries are no barrier in catching the theft, as almost all the countries now have issued the online identification number of each of their citizens. However, some of them are in the process. Hence, for next one - two years we can add add the B as well:
B-because much intellectual theft is committed in other countries
However, as this work is complete, the B option will not be an issue related to intellectual theft analysis and control.
And C and D are definitely not the part of the answer, as associations like FCC USA, Internet association etc are technically sound enough, and quite good to fight a case under any law as well.
Opening unfamiler emails and visiting unknown websites
The purpose of a URL is to help users get to websites easier. A URL (Uniform resource locator) is that tab at the top of your web browser that you type into. Like if you want to go to google, you would type in So the answer is true.
Deleting files and etc on your computer.