speak in complete sentences
restoring a healthy flow of energy along the meridians of the body
Acupuncture either increases or decreases the flow of qi along the meridians of the body. It does not directly address the relationships between body, spirit, and emotions, nor does it aim to release toxins or change an individual's perception of reality.
The nurse should provide following information to the patient to prevent constipation: addition of whole-grain cereal, cessation of laxative use, increase in liquid intake, eating fresh vegetables.
Constipation is a problem of the digestive system. The symptoms include less bowel movement, hard stools than can be painful, and the feeling that stool has not completely passed. The causes for the same can be less fiber diet, low intake of fluids, immobility of the body, no exercise, etc.
Laxative is the medicine for treating constipation. The intake of laxatives should be accompanied with intake of plentiful fluids as well.
To know more about constipation, here