fails to verify
An experiment that <u>fails to verify</u> a hypothesis will often provide a new direction for the researcher.
Researchers conduct experiments to develop hypotheses. A hypothesis is a testable and falsifiable explanation. A hypothesis can be tested. It is possible to prove the hypothesis as true or false.
An experiment is a way to test the hypothesis.
1. <span> A. The algae directly feeds the large-mouth bass and wood duck. Consumers are the same thing as heterotrophs.
2. </span><span>The blue arrow points to an animal which gets all its energy from (i.e., eats) only other animals
3. </span><span>Primary consumers are the organisms which eat producers. So without the primary consumers eating the producers, the number of producers will probably increase.</span>
A protein is a large sequence of amino acid that was translated in ribosomes (or rough endoplasmic reticulum) from a mRNA that was transcribed in the nucleus from DNA.
If the protein has an extracellular function (like immunoglobulin) if should be
exocytosed from the cell.
The protein in the cell is driven to the membrane into
vesicles that have
a specific receptor, which allows, while in contact with the inner side of the cell membrane to open it and let the protein being transported in the extracellular medium.
In cases of shingles, the antiviral drug Zovirax (acyclovir), Valtrex (valacyclovir), or Famvir (famciclovr) may be prescribed.
El proceso de replicación, autorreplicación, duplicación o autoduplicación de ADN es el mecanismo que permite al ADN duplicarse (es decir, sintetizar una copia idéntica). De esta manera, de una molécula de ADN única, se obtienen dos o más "réplicas" de la primera y la última. Esta duplicación del material genético se produce de acuerdo con un mecanismo semiconservador, lo que indica que los dos polímeros complementarios del ADN original, al separarse, sirven de molde cada una para la síntesis de una nueva cadena complementaria de la cadena molde, de forma que cada nueva doble hélice contiene una de las cadenas del ADN original. Gracias a la complementación entre las bases que forman la secuencia de cada una de las cadenas, el ADN tiene la importante propiedad depducirse i