Embedded technology is a technology that exists inside another device.
From Networkopoint of view, a node is a redistribution point or communication point or a connection point.
It can also mean devices or data points on a large network Such as laptop, phones, printers, etc
The issue arises because the string you are trying to print is not a string, rather a float value. Item1, item2 and item3 are strong values (if you type some alphabets in it and not just numbers), but itemonecost, itemtwocost, and itemthreecost are explicitly type casted to float. In line 22, 23, and 24 you’re trying to print a float, by adding it with the string. One cannot add numbers to string. Rather you can type cast the itemcost to string while printing.
Add str(itemonecost) instead of itemonecost in print statement. Do this for other float variables too.
However do note that there are multiple ways to correct this issue, and I’ve just pointed one out.
b. entered later but dated as of the last day of the period.
Because collecting the adjustment data requires time, the adjusting entries are often entered later but dated as of the last day of the period.
Search key, a, s, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, : and ;, ¨ and ´, and the enter key.