No, although some may agree, I beleive that the new technology enables children to keep in touch with there parents at all times and let there parent know where they are. This ensures the children’s safety aswell as putting the parent at ease as they know where there child is and what they are up to and if worse was to happen they would know where to find them. However some people would say that when children and parents are together there constant attention to there phones reduces the amount of communication between them both and this may leave the parent not knowing information about the child’s life which means they cannot help them out in situations such as bullying etc.. another reason why people may agree is due to the bullying that revolves around social media, if a child is experiencing problems online they may feel upset and feel like they cannot talk to there parents as they would not understand what happens in the ‘social media world’.
I’m not too sure if this is a question you have on a test or if it’s some sort of survey question you are asking me but if it is for some sort of test you should write was you think. But if you want to hear my opinion I think that electronic devises do get in the way of communication between parents and children. We live in a day and age where most of us are glued to our screens and we never take time to get to know and bond with our parents.
Some examples of personality traits would be: kind, energetic, sociable, sympathetic, imaginative. So you just have to figure out what kind applies to you (you can look up different ones)