When we talk about "widening the net" in terms of the correction system, this refers to the idea that, the more offenders that are in the community, the more the correction system can control and surveil the community.
However, increasing the number of offenders who are supervised by corrections officers might have some negative unintended consequences. For example, such an approach could increase the number of offenders who are found to be violating the terms of their parole or committing crimes. Another consequence would be the loss of resources, as higher levels of resources would be needed to carry this out.
Yellow and diamond-shaped with black letters or symbols.
An adult who doesn´t take personal responsibility for his behavior would become an outsider from society.
Personal responsibility refers to the human capacity to choose their actions, and because of that, they become morally accountable or legally liable for those actions. A person who doesn´t acknowledge that, would break many rules without accepting punishment or liability, and provably harming others.
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Money market account: typically earns more interest than a regular savings account in exchange for higher balance requirements; some provide check-writing privileges and ATM access. Certificate of deposit: usually has the highest interest rate among savings accounts and the most limited access to funds.