So sodium and potassium move by active transport using a pump
Glucose moves by a method of passive transport, facilitated diffusion. Ions moving with facilitated diffusion use channels, but a molecule like glucose would use a carrier protein.
The correct answer is D.
The Ras Proto-Oncogene is a gene found in normal cells, which by the single point mutation mentioned in the question, can turn into Oncogene. Because Proto-Oncogene is a gene that controls and regulates the division of the cell, a mutation in this gene leads to uncontrolled cell divisions which then leads to cancer. The correct answer is D since RAF-Activation describes "Rapidly Accelerated Fibrosarcoma, fibrosarcoma being a cancer which affects fibrobalst cells.
I hope this answer helps.
The respiratory system brings oxygen unto the lungs, while the circulatory system delivers oxygen throughout the body.
They help an environment because they create an ecosystem allowing animals to thrive and live a lifecycle with the resources they need.
The correct answer is known as a "motor neuron".
A motor neuron or also known as a motoneuron is described as <span> a neuron whose </span>cell body<span> is </span>placed inside the<span> motor cortex, brainstem or the spinal </span>cord<span>, and whose axon </span>initiatives<span> to the spinal cord </span><span>or </span>the exterior<span> of the spinal </span>cord<span> to </span>immediately<span> or </span>not directly manage<span> effector organs, </span>specifically muscle mass<span> and glands. </span>