Weight Loss products
Diabetes control drugs
Weight loss products may cause harms to the body function because they are reducing fats at an irregular level. These products should be ban from the market as they have side effects which are more harmful than the weight gain problems. Some of these weight loss products are even a scam and they does not help relieve an inch of fat from the body rather they harm the body functions and internal weakness which are actual cause of losing weight.
Diabetes products are used by many patients to keep their diabetes level maintained. Trajenta is a drug which is used for diabetes control. When blood sugar level is not controlled by the natural remedies then doctors suggests such medicines. These drugs are approved by FDA and should be considered as valid products.
Oxygen passes from inside the alveoli through the thin walls and dif- fuses into the blood. At the same time, carbon dioxide waste passes from the blood into the alveoli.
The correct answer is True.